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Appropriate topics

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27 comments, last by ghowland 24 years, 3 months ago
I think that ghowland is right. anything with a rating of R should be removed (or at least anything with an X rating). I can see discussing a FPS with gibs and all, but thats somewhat different. GAMEDEV is for game developers, right? i dont think too many X rated posts have much to do with games.

and people, try to curb your bad language. it''s not a good habit.

- Moe -
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Just wanted to hear if you would stop a thread about a movie nominated for 3 Oscars if you were running a movie-design board.

My ethics are my own, and where I work, and what I work on are my own choices. The same goes for places I run for discussion. If its out of bounds, its out of bounds. Deal with it.

quote: You accuse me of being obtuse, well, we both know that your filtering-getting-fired argument is BS and a empty justficiation.

Actually, its not, but I really dont care if you dont believe that.

quote: I am left with an impression that you have some personal issue with sex and porn in games but that you are more open minded about other sensitive subjects, drugs and violence (other subjects that might get people fired if the proxy picks it up! hehe).

Actually, your opinions are wrong, but Im not going to go into why as you dont know me, nor will you, so it really doesnt matter what your impressions are.

quote: Maybe someday games will be looked upon by the public in the same way as we look at movies and books but first I think the gamedevelopers need to convince themself of that this is the right way to look at it.

Yeah, if only the game medium could become as SOPHISTICATED and ELEGANT as the safeway trash books or soap operas!



Just wanted to add another "I support the decision to condemn porn-related posts".
Generally, the society as a whole consider discussions about violence to be more correct than a discussion about "above r" content (which does not include whether Laura Croft is bad for the industry as a whole!). I do believe that most of those who press this matter know within them where the line is drawn, or at least what most people would call the line. If the board would have an opinion that differed from what most people would tolerate/forbid, then there might be some room for a debate on the subject, but as things are, I think what should be allowed is fairly obvious.

A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
"Yeah, if only the game medium could become as SOPHISTICATED and ELEGANT as the safeway trash books or soap operas!"

A hint. It is the lack of controversy, what you are afraid of in this forum, that puts the ''soap'' in ''soap opera'' and separates them from what most people call art. Oh, and try reading some trash books, especially some cheesy agent novels (like Nick Carter), and you will see that they are pretty similar to Duke Nukem!

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

"Yeah, if only the game medium could become as SOPHISTICATED and ELEGANT as the safeway trash books or soap operas!"

A hint. It is the lack of controversy, what you are afraid of in this forum, that puts the ''soap'' in ''soap opera'' and separates them from what most people call art.

1- Im not even AVOIDING controversy, let alone "afraid" of it. Its not an appropriate topic, Ive stated the reasons, and there are plenty of controversial topics people CAN talk about that dont go into XXX or religious debates.

2- Dont presume to know what my motivations are, since you have no idea who I am. Though it certainly makes clear what a troll you are as you keep deflecting the topic back to me, instead of the issue that is pretty self-evident for everyone else.

quote: Oh, and try reading some trash books, especially some cheesy agent novels (like Nick Carter), and you will see that they are pretty similar to Duke Nukem!

No thanks, I have better things to do with my time, and I hardly stated Duke Nukem was high art either, did I?

Learn to make real points instead of wabbling all over the place and cut the ad hominems.


Granted, this is your forum, and as moderator, you have final say as to what is appropriate and what is not. But the thread _was_ about game design. I think that TheGoop made a good point. It''s possible that a thread containing a discussion of porn as it relates to game design _could_ degenerate into something completly OT. But to kill a thread just becuase it _may_ become a flame war seems a bit off to me.

I''d like to apologize to Geoff for the ''stupid'' and ''narrow'' bits of my previous post. I just get a bit touchy when it comes to censorship...

- genovov
It doesnt really matter if it had to do with game design, its over the top from an appropriate conversation, which is all that matters.

The same conversation could have been had with different content. Im sorry if people feel they are being censored because they cant talk about the most extreme topics in someone elses forum/servers/environment, but thats life. Tone it down then it wont be unappropriate.

Basically, some people here need to treat these forums with a bit more respect. We're contributing our time and effort into creating a place that game development can be discussed, and have a very few rules and boundaries about where you cant go. Yet some people feel compelled to bitch and feel like they can do whatever they want no matter where they are.

Who but spoiled children act like this when they are getting something of benefit for free? You arent paying for the site. The banner ads dont line my pockets, I make my living writing software and any money ads make for this site just cover base expenses, with a trivial amount left over. So for all the staff's hard work we have to deal with people bitching that they cant do whatever they want here as well?

Grow up, learn some manners, and treat people who are doing things that are benefiting you with some common decency.

Some of the people on this thread have been very polite about with their questions of the situation, and others have been about as rude and abusive as you can be without breaking into a swearing contest. It amazes me daily that some people think they should have the RIGHT to subject people who provide a nice service for them in this manner.


Edited by - ghowland on 4/3/00 10:45:45 PM
Mr. Howland,

I am sincerely sorry for making you feel unappreciated for the work that you do in the community. I think I had a very valid point but since the debate has turned into a fight it would be useless trying to discuss it further.

About me engaging in personal attacks against you. The only place where I see that I could possibly have been engaging in a personal attack against you is when I write that you seem to have ''personal issues'' with sex and porn in games. You later confirmed that the reason you would have stopped a
Boogie Nights thread in a movie design forum would be your personal ethics. I am sorry if my use of the words ''personal issues'' sounded like something that had to do with psychology. I merely meant ''undisclosed issues'' (I say
that they are undisclosed because I do not buy the proxy-filter-get-fired reason) and I was personally guessing ethics at the time (something that you later confirmed in your Boogie Nights comment).

Anyway, I am sorry for having wasted your time and energy (wasted, since you obviously consider me a ''troll'' and ''spoiled child'') and I will not disturb the tranquility of your forum again (massive flaming can make me forget that promise though).

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

I am sincerely sorry for making you feel unappreciated for the work that you do in the community. I think I had a very valid point but since the debate has turned into a fight it would be useless trying to discuss it further.

I dont feel unappreciated. People who are rude and immature only annoy me, as they are obviously getting a free service, but cant be bothered to act with some common decency.

quote: About me engaging in personal attacks against you. The only place where I see that I could possibly have been engaging in a personal attack against you is when I write that you seem to have ''personal issues'' with sex and porn in games. You later confirmed that the reason you would have stopped a
Boogie Nights thread in a movie design forum would be your personal ethics. I am sorry if my use of the words ''personal issues'' sounded like something that had to do with psychology. I merely meant ''undisclosed issues'' (I say
that they are undisclosed because I do not buy the proxy-filter-get-fired reason) and I was personally guessing ethics at the time (something that you later confirmed in your Boogie Nights comment).

No problem. Things get misinterpretted through text when there is no context.

quote: Anyway, I am sorry for having wasted your time and energy (wasted, since you obviously consider me a ''troll'' and ''spoiled child'') and I will not disturb the tranquility of your forum again (massive flaming can make me forget that promise though.)

Post all you like when its on topic and not just trying to start problems. If you dont like the rules of the forum, dont use them. If you think you can handle the rules of the forum without being totally put out, then continue to do so.


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