

Started by April 06, 2000 11:22 PM
18 comments, last by komi 24 years, 5 months ago
Only 8,000 more years to prepare...
I think we''ve got more worries about 2038 than Y10K.
komi: you should start a Y10K countdown site.
Aren''t you guys/gals tired of all this computer bugs crap? Before Y2K, people even said that every damn computer chip could stop working and that we would have a damn Armageddon here, but what happened? Just about nothing.

IMHO, people who pronounce these bugs are just lame people who don''t know what they''re talking about and just do it to scare people into buying new products.

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown

Heh, not a bad idea foofighter. maybe my grand children will see the year 10,000 approach... who knows?

- Eric
Why should we worry at all?
Nah...just why 2038?...what about that year...?
quote: Original post by SiCrane

I think we''ve got more worries about 2038 than Y10K.

Spiff - the main reason nothing happened was because more money than Bill Gates could imagine was pumped into fixing Y2K. There could have been problems w/o awareness and fixing it.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
Actually, the problem was extremely trivial except for a couple instances. However, the media(useless media) once again did a wonderful job of telling how dead we are. *kills the media*

sad mac = sad firahs
To hell with Y10K! I think Y2M sounds cooler...
/ // / |< <-
Well, *I* got a phone bill for January 1900, so there were at least some problems.

And if you measure time as an unsigned 32bit integer of the number of seconds from New Year''s Day 1970 then in 2038 the counter will overflow and the computer will start thinking it''s 1970. Most UNIX machines keep track of time this way. Hopefully by 2038 we''ll recompile the kernels to use a 64bit integer instead. Once that happens it''ll be good for another 292271023017 years.

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