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test my game...too!

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19 comments, last by CO 24 years ago
hello, could you check my little (and slow) game? the link: http://ablazespace.exit.de/ thanks in advance, Chris and: - Does anybody know, how to open the Windows volume control by program (C++)? - How I can find out the program that opened ''html'' files (it''s path)?
Very nice, very nice indeed

keep it up... waiting for your next game.

Just one thing.., make it in english, not all of us understand german


not everyone understands english, you idiot

sorry it had to be said
Theres two parts of the site one in English and the other in German.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
nope, not everyone understands english, then why don''t you post a question in this forum in german or in russian you asshole?

sorry, i had to say this
hey stop that guys! not a new flame war about which-language-should-be-use-in-a-forum. Everyone know that english is more convenient for 99% of us!
ok let''s go see your game CO ... yops 1147kb!! i''m think i gonna wait to be at work to download it ... (no fast link at home) At first sight screenshots are cool!
I''m on a Mac, so I can''t actually try it yet, looks cool though. I think you mentioned on your site that the source is available, so maybe I''ll port it eventually (w/InputSprocket). And, guys, about the language thing, get used to it, we''re all going to be speaking different languages (litteraly or not) at some point in time. And if you think everybody having the same language is a really good idea then read Snow Crash, not to mention the number of languages that have already been lost forever. Anyway, since your site is bilingual, and obviously you are, you might want to consider puting both languages in (you''ll get more users that way), if you haven''t already (noticed the screenshot is in english). Anyway... as I said... looks cool!

Hey! What you are doing with my topic? To talk about languages is good... but only the programming languages! I thought this is a coding forum and now I wondering that the people discuss about spoken languages! Stop this, please, and let us talk about coding.

And here are further questions:
- With which command could I get the OpenGL driver which is on the current system?

- Where can I buy the ''3D Max Studio 2'' and how much cost it?

- Does anybody know an other program with which I can create 3D models with texture coordinates?

- When I dealing with vertics e.g. storing or manipulating them, is it better to use fix point math (bit shifting) in my program or better to use the normal float variables?

- I wrote a game which data are stored in different paths. At program start I getting the current program path with the command: ''GetCurrentDirectory''. Well... all is fine when the user starts the program by clicking on the exe file in its path...
but when I make a link e.g. in the Windows list to my program, I will get a wrong path (e.g. c:\Windows\alzey).
My solution is, to ignore the whole path name, and use only the ''...\'' to go back or to go into the next file path. Is there an other, better solution as my own?

... questions over questions which forbid me to sleep well!
Please change this, thanks!
((( Ps. that was I!
"Does anybody know an other program with which I can create 3D models with texture coordinates?"

Sure, Blender is a VERY good modeller and it''s free! :p

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