
Define this forum

Started by July 06, 2004 11:20 AM
56 comments, last by hellz 20 years, 1 month ago
You probably shouldn't mention physics libraries (ie:ODE), as I presume they should be discussed in the maths & physics forum.

Cross platform libraries seems a little too vauge/inadequate to me.

I like promits suggestion:
"Game Libraries and Middleware"
Because I dont really like the word 'alternative' in the title.

But again, with the label "Game Libraries and Middleware" you are pritty much covering everything.. (ie:network programming and physics etc).

I would read/write about ODE here for such reasons :
- ODE API related questions (compatibility, install, bugs, whatever)
- Its proper algorithmic characteristics. (Where it might cause numerical instabilities, perf stalls, etc..).
- News about its community, its future, ...

I would read/write about ODE in the physics forum if ODE is just quoted inside a broader argument. Someone tries to tackle a general physics sim issue and quotes ODE only because he reports his real life experience.

In the end, no need to be too idealistic anyway. There are so many math/physics questions spread anywhere else, I miss 90% of them ;)
"Coding math tricks in asm is more fun than Java"
Quote: Original post by Charles B
In the end, no need to be too idealistic anyway. There are so many math/physics questions spread anywhere else, I miss 90% of them ;)

Yeah I guess your right, but I still think that it would be better to seperate out the physics and networking (&other) stuff. That way I only need to search one forum to find answers. =P

"Game Creation Technologies" sounds more like your talking about those game-making tools, but sounds acceptable enough,..
Quote: Original post by aboeing
You probably shouldn't mention physics libraries (ie:ODE), as I presume they should be discussed in the maths & physics forum.
That's almost (not quite, though) like saying we should discuss OpenGL in the Graphics Programming and Theory section. ODE isn't discussed about the math behind it as much as it is discussed as a library (not that its really discussed all that much at all), just like we discuss OpenGL as a library and how to use it and we don't really care how it does it. And the occasional discussion of how matrices work still goes into the Graphics Programming and Theory section, just as a discussion of how the Physics and Maths in ODE would go into the Physics and Maths section.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Quote: Original post by clum
That's almost (not quite, though) like saying we should discuss OpenGL in the Graphics Programming and Theory section. ODE isn't discussed about the math behind it as much as it is discussed as a library (not that its really discussed all that much at all), just like we discuss OpenGL as a library and how to use it and we don't really care how it does it. And the occasional discussion of how matrices work still goes into the Graphics Programming and Theory section, just as a discussion of how the Physics and Maths in ODE would go into the Physics and Maths section.

Yep, good point. I take it back. =D
#define this_forum
Post #200

I still don't understand why this is called "Alternative". Can't it be just Game Libraries, or Game Libraries And Middleware?
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Quote: Original post by Promit
I still don't understand why this is called "Alternative". Can't it be just Game Libraries, or Game Libraries And Middleware?

Agreed. "Alternative" sounds inferior. But calling it just Game Libraries would also include DirectX and OpenGL, which I think deserve their own forum.

I think the whole forums needs to be redesigned. It's just way too many forums and bloated (I remember seeing a thread about this before).
Can the name still be changed or is it set in stone right now?
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
Quote: Original post by Lord Hen
#define this_forum

Better syntax ;)

#define THIS_FORUM_NAME gets()

Or if it is already set in stone...

const char* THIS_FORUM_NAME = "Alternative Game Libraries";

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