
Another forum contest?

Started by October 05, 2005 01:06 PM
10 comments, last by Custard Slice 18 years, 11 months ago
Repost for exposure: I'm currently considering running another contest on the forum for later submission to the site. As before, I will be providing the prize. I would like my contests to be nontraditional in the sense that there are new technical difficulties imposed on the competitors as apposed to merely artistic ones. This way, both experienced and nonexperienced programmers are on the same footing. The winamp visualization contest is an example of this style of contest. That said, I'm considering fixing the remaining bugs in the winamp basecode and having an open themed visualization contest. We may be able to get funding from nullsoft for additional prizes. Another option we have is a firefox extension contest. If I remember correctly, tgraupman was able to integrate opengl into firefox. With his permission, I would create a basecode from his source and release it to those who want to participate. There are many interesting technical possibilities with this style of contest. We may able to get funding from mozilla for additional prizes. There are a few issues we have to resolve including timing (ie when the contest will be held) and webspace. I have no space online to store the entries once they are submitted. When I worked on the winamp contest, I generated two documents that may again be useful: Management Themes Are there any who are interested? Any comments gamedev admins? Cheers, - llvllatrix
Yet another option we have is a game contest. I've been working on an engine for the past while (those of you who did my forum based tutorial have seen it). It currently supports OpenGL, OpenIL, OpenAL, and SDL. It would probably need about two to four months of work before we start the contest but it should save you all time in the long run. Here is a feature list:

- 3d sound
- texture loading classes
- preloader
- static model loading
- context manager
- ui

Heres what I intend to add:
- animation
- asset manager
- integrated scripting language (probably python)
- camera manager
- particles
- easy multi threading support

- llvllatrix
Advertisement can offer some smaller prizes for a NeHe forum / OpenGL contest. We just need to be notified if you plan to go through with one.

Admin for

It seems, by the lack of replies, that there currently is no interest. Would anyone possibly be interested in a future contest? If so, please specify the most convienient date.
If you ask me, it is the wrong time for a contest. Holidays are approaching fast, and lots of people are just too busy. Best time is around Spring/summer for a contest IMO. Then again, you can announce it now, and have deadline @ spring/summer. :D

I also think that people see the main page, and think the site has died, and most don't bother to check forums if there is a contest, most wouldn't know. The main page should be updated at least once a week. I don't have a clue why the new content is not being posted. Maybe someone can fill us all in?

It would be nice to stick more to a opengl specific entry as Nehe was/is more of an opengl tutorial site.
The more applications I write, more I find out how less I know
I've been interested in another halloween contest for a long time now.

I've never taken part in a NeHe contest or any other programming contest before but I'm interested, prizes or no prizes. If you're going to deviate from just concentrating on OpenGL like in the Firefox plugin idea then as long as a decent example template is provided it'd be no problem - I'm not being funny but although it's cool to do, I have no real interest in learning how to make plugins etc if it's complicated just for a competition, as I probably wouldn't ever need to do it again.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ~Frank Herbert, DuneMy slice of the web
OpenGL will be a requirement for the contest. I will be providing basecode which will let you easily integrate OpenGL into either Firefox or Winamp; refer to the 2005 winamp contest.

- llvllatrix
What are your opinions on using additional libraries like DemoGL? Is this "cheating " by having more of the work done for you or is the end result the most important thing (having more time to spend on visuals)? (kind of an obvious q & answer but just checking)
"I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ~Frank Herbert, DuneMy slice of the web

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