

Started by October 21, 2005 04:30 PM
7 comments, last by lc_overlord 18 years, 10 months ago
Anyone knows how to make a mmorpg? I know it's very complicated, but as far as I know, it's a program with C++, winsock, and OpenGL. Is it right or is it more complicated? Perhaps it's possible making a mmorpg with only OpenGL programming? :o Just curious << nuub programmer xD
From what you've just said I'd suggest you don't even thing about making even a single player rpg until you have a lot more practice. OpenGL is simply a graphics API. It is not the only graphics API used for MMPORPGs either. Many different libraries are required to make single player and multiplayer games.

Edit: I didn't mean for the post to sound harsh in any way. If you are interested in openGL though you should really check out NeHe's tutorials if you haven't already. He is a great source for new graphics programmers.
In essence, you are right, you can make an MMORPG with C++, winsock and OpenGL.


Making MMORPGs takes large amounts of effort and time. HUGE amounts. You will most probably give up at some point. Better hone your skills with something smaller (e.g. single-player RPG), then come back when feel ready. A single player game is hard enough to create.
But don't be discouraged. If you constantly work on your skills, perhaps one day your dream will come true.

Quote: Original post by Konfusius
Making MMORPGs takes large amounts of effort and time. HUGE amounts.

I had four programmers working part time on a MMORPG for 15 weeks, using an allready existing middleware (OGRE), and we hardly got two players running together in a reasonable way.

Stick to making simple games before going for the big ones.

Also, you're only considering the actual programming aspect of it. I believe that the content development will take at least as long time. Just imagine how long time it will take to make all the 3D models, paint textures, and animate them. Content creation also includes composing music for the game, sound effects, etc.

It might sound simple, but it is much more difficult than you think.

Though, to help you a little a long the way, and maybe encourage you somehow, read the post mortem of Eternal Lands. Eternal Lands is an MMORPG created by Radu Privantu, who usually hangs about the forums here.
Quote: Original post by Konfusius
In essence, you are right, you can make an MMORPG with C++, winsock and OpenGL.


Making MMORPGs takes large amounts of effort and time. HUGE amounts. You will most probably give up at some point. Better hone your skills with something smaller (e.g. single-player RPG), then come back when feel ready. A single player game is hard enough to create.
But don't be discouraged. If you constantly work on your skills, perhaps one day your dream will come true.

Thats all I wanted to hear, if I'm right that MMORPG's is of C++, winsock, opengl / other graphic languages like directx bla bla

and the other stuff you said I already know.. Btw I've already done a singleplayer rpg thats why I'm asking, I'm thinking of making some kind of MMORPG and start a team, but I guess that will be after I've finished highschool or somethin´ (age 15) >.>

Quote: Original post by James Trotter
Also, you're only considering the actual programming aspect of it. I believe that the content development will take at least as long time. Just imagine how long time it will take to make all the 3D models, paint textures, and animate them. Content creation also includes composing music for the game, sound effects, etc.

It might sound simple, but it is much more difficult than you think.

Though, to help you a little a long the way, and maybe encourage you somehow, read the post mortem of Eternal Lands. Eternal Lands is an MMORPG created by Radu Privantu, who usually hangs about the forums here.

I don't believe it's a problem since I can download very many models for free at the internet (google rox) xD
Im 12 and im working on a MMORPG and i have a team and its working.But yeah its hard but I use Dev-C++(bloodshed)anim8er,and directx.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Normal construction team as far as i know:
Programmer-Lead Programmer,tool developer,programmers.
Graphics-Main graphics,And theres more but thats for like major video games....
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Normal construction team as far as i know:
Programmer-Lead Programmer,tool developer,programmers.
Graphics-Main graphics,And theres more but thats for like major video games....

a normal proffessional dev tem cosists of these persons below, a nonproffesional team(or a smaller dev team in general) allso need these but some of them can be condensed into 1 person.

- gamedesign
-- project manager <- influences gamedesign only indirectly
-- main game designer <- on big projects there are a couple of game designers
-- conceptual artist <- probably one or more of the artists and the main game designer

- Progammers
-- Main <- does the graphics, framework and governs the other progammers.
-- network <- in an MMORPG there is allso one or more server guys.
-- tools
-- ui <- allso does gameflow scripting.
-- ai <- allso does gameflow scripting.
-- general <- depends on how mutch programming you need done.
allso when using a middleware you might not need as many as this, since most of the programming is allready done.

- Graphics
-- Main
-- level designers <- makes game levels, duh, but this has been taken over more and more by the modelers(not compleatly though) since the process is now more or less the same.
-- Modeling/texturing <- you need a lot of these, should be at least as many as the rest of the team, perhaps more, there is a lot of work to do.
-- Characters/animator <- and a few of these since each character/monster can take up to a month or two to model, texture and animate.
-- Ui/2D art
Content creation takes the most time, why do you think when id where franticly trying to finish doom3, carmack was building rockets (ok, perhaps not all the time).

- sound
--sound guy <- usuarly one or all of the dev team since sound is generaly slapped together at the last minute, but on larger or AAA projects there is usuarly one or two dedicated sound guys.

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