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Need advice | alpha stage and up | how to proceed

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3 comments, last by fb2000 23 years, 6 months ago
Everyone: I was working on a game in late 1998, it was the Windows port of an another game that was made in 1995 under MS-DOS. In early 1999, after working on the design (in my spare time) for almost six month I decided to put it on halt while I concentrated on other projects. It''s currently standing at an early alpha stage e.g. most of the foundation is laid and the core components have been implemented to various degrees. The main three components 1- an object block editor (to make image components and import BITMAPS) 90% done 2- a script editor (to create resource files e.g. similar to DOOM''s WADs) 90% of the basic features, advanced customizations (the cool stuff) still pending. 3- a runtime module (to execute games) can run games created with the editor / advanced customizations not implemented It can run on any Pentium class processor, with at least 16MB running MS-WINDOWS 9x with a DIRECT-X compliant video card (1MB VRAM minimum). According to tests done on the alpha version with DirectX, it can achieve 45fps in 640x480x8 on a P133. However considering the poor quality of the "test" art that I have in my possession, I have been wondering if I could recycle the whole package as a sort of "Game Maker Kit" instead to allow users without programming experience to create their own side scrollers. According to my estimate it would take at least another six months to implement my current vision. That leaves a lot of potential for improvements. That would of course involve a lot of beta testing. And then some promotion. Whatever I do I figure the next logical step is to show it to the world, get some feedback (very important) and make the necessary adjustments or scrap the whole thing depending on whether or not it can potentially be of some use to ppl. How do I get there? LEGAL / INFO / SOCIAL / CONTACTS / DEMO etc. A final version will also need professional looking art, major overhauls of the interface and implementation of all the cool features whom are still pending. But I''m getting ahead of myself there. Regards, Frank B.
for a game making package such as that, you''re going to need to make it as developer-friendly as possible, but i''m sure you knew that already. something of that nature might be useful to newbie/intermediate developers, but i suggest that you pull a product together and get a few people to test it and check its usability. after that, you can attempt to get it distributed, if that''s what you''re looking for. you could either find a distributor, distribute it yourself using an e-commerce system, or even license out the engine for use. no matter what method you choose, it should be easy for the client to get hooked up with your product. it should also be priced decently, since this is a 2D package and most people who are looking to license and engine are heading in the 3D direction.

documentation and tech support access are big things also. everything within the system should be documented, and people should be able to contact you for support easily if they find some sort of problem while using it. a good idea would be to have a website set up with a message forum so users can trade ideas.

these are just some ideas that i had, i don''t know if they are exactly what you needed. i don''t know how well a product like that would do on the market, but it never hurts to try


neonstar entertainment
--david@neonstar.netneonstar entertainment
(i) "pull a product together"

(ii) and "get a few people to test it and check its usability"

I might not have made it clear in my initial post but I have what can be considered an early alpha version.

I''m interrested in what happens between (i) and (ii). Now before I get anything out to the world I bet there are legal steps I need to take. Someone told me about NDAs. I''d like to see what a NDA looks like. What are the benefits? What kind of protection is provided etc.

What about copyrighting an alpha version? Does that make the least of sense. It seems I would be running to the copyright office every month or so.

Purposely I need to know where I should be addressing myself for testers and feedback the natural steps that comes next. Where to look to for promotion and visibility etc.

Frank B.
well, from what i understand, a piece of software is basically copyrighted when you create it. it''s called ''intellectual property.'' you may want to secure a true copyright on it when it''s done, but it''s really not necessary at this point.

getting people on an NDA would be fine, but that''s if you''re really worried about people stealing your product. NDA is only for non-disclosure though, it''s not to protect you from theft. unless your point is that you don''t want your idea stolen...

if you want testers, get some screenshots together and make a few posts here on the messageboard, and do it on some other game development boards. if the shots are pretty decent, they''ll get some interest and you''ll get some beta testers. getting public interest from screenshots and tech data of your engine is a thing that will get people interested in getting your product. once the product is complete, do some serious advertising, like buying some ad space at the big game development sites.

and another thing. it''s probably best if you set a domain up that reflects your products name. people are more likely to click on a website link on the msgboard if it''s a domain. seems more professional for some reason...


neonstar entertainment
--david@neonstar.netneonstar entertainment
I don't want to get screwed period. I want to know what kind of fast ones ppl might want to pull on me and how I can avoid them.

Be there as it may. I don't know the market worth of such a product, I don't even know if there is a market for it. At this point and time, I want to cover all the bases and protect my rear. When that's done I'll be looking for testers and looking for feedback and making changes to the design to accomodate.

I figure that I can benefit from the experiences of others.

Frank B.

Edited by - fb2000 on January 3, 2001 4:23:02 PM

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