
Tut6-MacOS X: Texture problem

Started by January 06, 2006 09:03 PM
-1 comments, last by macuser 18 years, 8 months ago
hi, the textures in nehe tutorial 6 look not like they should. here's a screenshot: same thing on tutorial 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21(the text), 23(background is ok, but sphere-map looks bad), 26, 28, 33 and 38. all the textures are too red. i did'nt modify the source code, its the original as-you-download-it-version. setting the color to (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) [white] before drawing doesn't help anything. i found out, that it only happens with 32 bit- textures, not with 8bit (for example: "Crate.bmp" from tutorial 7 is 8bit, and the tutorial works great). if i convert the textures to from 32 to 8 bit, all the tuts work like they should, but i want to write an engine that supports more than 256 colors :) does anyone know this problem? thanks for help! my system: powermac g5, 1.6ghz ati radeon 9800 pro se (should be able to draw 32 bit color :) ) Mac Os X 10.4.3 macuser (and sorry for my bad english, i'm from germany)

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