
linker error

Started by January 22, 2006 07:22 AM
1 comment, last by narra 18 years, 7 months ago
hi im new to opengl programming and need some help I've been doing NEHE tutorial 6 using borland C++ when i enter the code myself i get a linker error as follows [Linker Error] Unresolved external 'auxDIBImageLoadA' referenced from C:CODE\TESTS\OPENGL TEXTURES\LESSON06.OBJ when i download the builder code at the end of the tutorial it runs fine. i cannot seem to find what im doing wrong when i do it myself can any help me?
The auxDIBImageLoadA function is a function from the glaux library. The library itself comes with the ZIP file, when you download it, and without the library the linker cannot find the function. The project is apparently using the function and therefore the error, if you don't link with the glaux.lib.
Dubito, Cogito ergo sum.
I had included the file in the folder but had not added it to the project

thanks for your help.

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