
white outline around certain tgas.

Started by January 26, 2006 09:25 AM
3 comments, last by Groberts 18 years, 7 months ago
I am currently using a tga loader to load up some tgas I have created with transparency. I have a problem that random tgas that I will create from bmps will have a white outline to them and I can't figure out why it is doing it. I am sure its a silly problem with the way I make the tgas and not the code but I am not sure. Can anyone fill me in? Here is an example
The problem seems to be that the images you are converting to tgas have anti-aliased edges, where the paint program you used blended the outline with the background. You should consider reauthoring the images in a program with native transparency instead of trying to convert the background color to transparent.
yeah I ment to say that is the obvious solution but its not :( there is no outline after the black line in the files and I can make that white border any colour by changing the quad colour.
#1 the background in the tgas has to be black in order to remove the outline.
But this depends on your image program.

#2 the images looks like they don't have any transparacy at all, instead it looks like they are alphatested, you need to use the correct blending func in order for the alpha layer to show all it's full glory.
I am using GIMP to add transparency. By selecting add alpha layer to my pre drawn bmps. Then by hand I erase the background by hand using the eraser. As setting colour to alpha causes different problems.

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