
HeNe first chapter output currupts desktop icons..

Started by March 08, 2006 08:52 AM
4 comments, last by omraviprakash 18 years, 6 months ago
this is with reference to the output that is generated from the first chapter of the OpenGL tutorial in HeNe site. When I ran the programme in the full screen mode, and upon closing of the application with ESC key the desktop icons were currupted. any solution?
First of all, make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
Graphics driver is updated to latest.

Just info: Using XP, SP2. Graphics Card: NVIDIA, Geforce4 MX 440 with AGP8X. VRAM-64MB, Driver version: 77.18 (latest)
OK, I've got the same video card as yours (only my driver is a little older) and I downloaded and ran NeHe lesson 5 in fullscreen and nothing special happened.

What exactely do you mean by "corrupted", you mean like they were a random pattern of colored pixels? And does clicking on "Show desktop" or doing something else fixes it?

Also, try changing the code so that the fullscreen window is created the same size (resolution) as your desktop and see if the problem persists.
error C2065: 'signature' : undeclared identifier
Well this sometimes happens because of corrupted memory, my previous card(GFfx5600) had a problem in witch sometimes i would get some pixels offset in some kind if pattern, it was probobly because of bad memory.
But it's strange that my brother who is currently using that card has not seen these artifacts for over two years now.

About corrupted icons, it happens, i think it's microsofts fault, i think it has something to do with 16 bit colors on older cards, use only 32 bit's or higher, reboot and ignore the whole thing.

Well, Currupted icon in this case mean that the icons actual images were missing. I had to set the icons images back by: Right clikcing on icon -> Properties -> Shortcut tab -> change icon... and then selecing the icon back.

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