
Future of game programming?

Started by January 10, 2000 09:32 AM
22 comments, last by Arch@on 24 years, 8 months ago
quote - "I think we're all twisted.."
not that i mean to contribute a great deal to this post, but i think that just sounds good


hee ha ha hehea ahaaaa HA hA! !! ! ohhhh...
sorry, i just get a kick out of that

Edited by - AlexM on 1/13/00 4:58:34 PM
There will NEVER be too many game programmers. The fact is that technology moves way too fast and the bigger it gets, the more demand there WILL be. In fact, most companies are complaining that there aren''t enough programmers out there.
We live in a great era where the technology rocks and it''s becoming easier than ever before for independant game developers to write the programs we''ve always dreamed of.

Saying there will be too many game programmers out there is like saying "Gee, after a while all these weight loss supplements will be useless because soon everyone in the world will eventually be skinny!" Yeah, right.

Game programmers rock. And we rock because that kind of programming is one of the toughest most taxing jobs or hobbies there is. And THAT''S why we love it.

- Fuge
I think that as long as there are sofware stores selling good games like Age of Kings, Quake, and other hot titles there will be game programers. Also you don''t even need a job these days to make games probably the majority of game programmers out there are solo developers or work in small independant groups.
quote: Original post by Arch@on

Here alone are many programmers, so how it''s going to be when every one can do program. I mean like in here there is over 150 game programmers including other sites and lonewolfs there must be over 1000 programmers that plan to have career with their hobby. Now what if everyone tries to be top programmer, they want to belong elite, well let''s say that 40% drops out during the first steps it still mean over 600 game programmers, where can we find jobs to ourselves, it is huge glut... Even if the game indrusty grows, it is going to be like Hollywood, new bad games pop out every day and only the top, best team who has best developpers and artist create the most profitable games. Let''s say house A creates game which compared to Star Wars or Titanic and house B creates game which could be compared to sucky B group movies like.. umm like End of Days.

Well, most of you will become B programmers, well at least you have good changes to become one... There is going to be huge unemployment during next 10 years in game programming(and programming general) or just like in Hollywood...
Sad, but true...

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