
GunHero: 2D Action-Platformer-Shooter

Started by July 07, 2016 12:15 PM
11 comments, last by Tyyppi_77 7 years, 4 months ago

GunHero is a 2D action-platformer-shooter filled with dangerous enemies, beautiful environments and deadly obstacles. Your job is quite simple: save the world! You can play with friends and have tons of fun with the game! The game also includes a level editor, so you will never run out of levels to play!

GunHero is on Steam Greenlight, where you can find more info about the game, including links to the game's development blog and my personal twitter where I post frequent updates about the game. If you happen to like the game and want to support a young aspiring game developer, spreading the word is much appreciated but absolutely not required!

The game is developed in C++ using SDL2 for windowing, graphics, audio and input. I have my custom framework built on top of SDL.

About Me:

I'm a 17-year-old hobbyist game developer from Finland and I launched my first Greenlight campaign last week! I've been working on the game for about two years, and I'm myself responsible for everything in the game from music to programming and from art to marketing. I'm still working hard on the game every day.

All right, I've got some nice progress done on the game so I thought I'd share the progress here too. For the most recent updates you should follow me on [twitter]Tyyppi_77[/twitter].

Anyways, a couple of weeks ago I realized that adding a world map to the game would be pretty awesome. So, I spent about a week working on it, and I think that the end product turned out really well. The game feels more complete, and the player can now more easily track their progress troughout the game. I also track various stats (prisoners rescued and time spent) of each level session, and display those to the player, possibly encouraging the player to replay levels where they have not rescued all prisoners or were extremely slow.


More recently, I added a tint overlay to the game screen, that indicates more visually when the player is missing health. The health label on the HUD also starts flashing, and now the game feels a lot better. The player also knows to look for a health kit.



The game also got new gameplay elements this week: blocks that fall when the player walks on top of them. These blocks allow for many new and awesome gameplay and level design possibilities. I already had a ton of fun with putting enemies ontop of them and then walking across, making the enemies fall to their death.


Finally, I've added many new levels to the game, and the jungle environment is currently only missing a boss fight, which is something I am going to work on next. Here's a screenshot of my favorite of the new levels.



Nice work!

Indie game developer - Game WIP

Strafe (Working Title) - Currently in need of another developer and modeler/graphic artist (professional & amateur's artists welcome)

Insane Software Facebook

Fast and Cool.

Thank you guys!

I have some new stuff to share from the past two weeks. I'll dive straight into it.

In my last post I mentioned that the jungle environment was only missing a boss fight. Well, it doesn't anymore, as I finished that about a week ago. The boss holds a deadly blade, and is equipped with two missile launchers. The first part of the boss fight consists of the player escaping the blade trough a village. After that the player must shoot the boss down and dodge the missiles it shoots. While the boss isn't anything hardcore, even small mistakes can turn out the be lethal.



I began this week by working on cannons. The cannons are built to support various projectile types, however I currently only have programmed one projectile type in. These burning fireballs only leave burning corpses behind. Perhaps not the most realistic scenario, but pretty darn awesome if you ask me.


I also made some nice levels with the cannons, and I even recorded a gameplay video of one of them.

Next up my tasklist were bazooka enemies. The implementation was very fast, I only had to tweak the enemy sprite a little and adjust the weapon positioning. The rocket sprite also needed a size tweak.


Finally, I started experimenting with some persisting terrain decals. While the look isn't perfect yet, I think it's really promising, and I will definitely keep on working it. I want to extend the system from just blood decals into explosion and bullet decals.


That's it for this time. If you haven't already, you can check GunHero out at Steam Greenlight:

I'm very happy and proud to announce that GunHero has been Greenlit! It took 42 days and a little over 730 yes-votes for the game. Thanks a lot to anyone who supported the game by voting or promoting the campaign!



Wow this looks really cool. Congrats for your work !

Thanks a lot! I'm really happy to hear that you like it.

All right, it's been a while since I've updated this topic. For "real-time" news you should follow me on Twitter. I also post weekly updates on my blog.

Anyways, I'll post a few screenshots of everything that I've been working on since late august.


Among a lot of other things, I added spinning blades to the winter levels, and made a bunch of awesome and dangerous levels with them.

I've also been working on a desert environment. These desert environment will be set inside a huge pyramid that has been taken over by the enemy forces. The desert levels feature all sorts of moving and spinning platforms, and dangerous lava!



A few weeks ago I finished off the prison environment with new laser traps and polished missile launchers.



There we go! For more in-detail descriptions I recommend checking out the development blog I linked at the top of the post.

I planned to show a lot more, but I had to remove a bunch of images because apparently posts have an image-limit. Again, check my blog or Twitter for more stuff.

I just wanted to drop in a quick update!

I launched the game's Steam page on Saturday! With it comes of course a new trailer which you can watch below!

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