
Best C++ book for complete newbie?

Started by January 24, 2000 12:49 PM
8 comments, last by Gollum 24 years, 7 months ago
The subject says it all. I''m a complete C/C++ newbie. What is the best book to help me get up to speed? I have the Lamothe Tricks book, and I''m slogging through it, but it really bugs me not to know what so much of the code means. I mean, what _is_ a TYPEDEF? What is a STRUCT? I''m the kind of person who has to know it from the ground up. Any help greatly appreciated. - Chris the Newbie
A good book for learning C++ is "Teach Yourself C++" by Al Stevens. Don't let the name fool you, it's a great book and Al Stevens is a respected name in the field.

Also, if can afford it, get "The C++ Language" by Bjorne Stroustrup. This book won't help you learn as good as the one above, but it is a great reference and it covers every little aspect of the language. By the way, Stroustrup is the person who created C++.

If you get through those books, get "Programming Windows" by Charles Petzold. This will help you out with Windows, since Lamothe's book really doesn't have the room to cover Windows properly.

You have a lot of work ahead of you, but these books will help out a lot. One more I recommend to every programmer is "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell. You may want to hold off on that one until you get better at programming, but it's the best programming book I have ever read.

Edited by - I-Shaolin on 1/24/00 12:57:12 PM
As a last ditch effort, you might want to try C++ for Dummies. I think it is by Michael Hyman.
SAMs put out a book "Teach yourself C++ in 24 hours" or something similar. Its very good - concise, but it covers a lot of ground in a relatively small book.
C++ from the Ground Up
by Herbert Schildt
published by Osborne Press

or his other c++ book:
C++: The Complete Reference
also Osborne Press

He also write my favorite entry level Win32 book:
Windows98 from the Ground Up
same details as the other 2
I read a book by called "The complete beginner''s guide" to C++ by Oleg Yareshanko...It''s actually pretty ancient now, but it did a great job explaining the language and teaching the basic. You may want to pick it up to get a solid foundation of the language. Good luck

I liked ''Teach Yourself C++ Programming in 21 Days'' by Jesse Liberty.

I would recommend C programming for dummies and then C++ programming for dummies. They are about as good as most of the "Teach Yourself -Insert language, compiler, etc.- In -insert time frame-" books, but they are a lot more fun to read. I kept reading them just to see what stupid analogy the authors could come up with next, and I''ll be darned if I didn''t learn something along the way.
Yeah, I learned C++ from "Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" by Jesse Liberty as well. It was really good for me.
Well if you are looking to pick up C first and then C++ i would recommend _C in a nutshell_, i thought it was great learning C. It goes into how to do linked lists too and so on. Its quite old though, from 1993 (well, unless there are some new editons). When you know C you wont have any problems with Bjarne''s book.

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