
tic tac toe

Started by October 21, 2019 04:47 PM
61 comments, last by 8Observer8 4 years, 10 months ago

it is an older version the 4th ed.

Phil, ask a question. This board is for asking questions so you can get answers.

-- Tom Sloper --


@phil67rpg I have questions:

  1. Do you want to add sockets to the game?
  2. Do you want to write the game using shader OpenGL 3.0+?
  3. Do you want to switch a language on C#?

If you want to switch to C# and modern OpenGL 3.0+ I can help you. I like to teach. You can read how to install OpenTK here: OpenTK allows to use OpenGL from C#.

If you will start to learn C# now it will be more simple to start learning Unity later. I think Unity is a simple game engine for you. Unit is the best engine for you because it is really simple.

And it is more simple to add the network support using sockets in C#. C# has built in classes to work with TCP sockets. I think Tic-Tac-Toe with network is more interesting and it more simple than writing AI. If you will use C++ for network it will be more complicated because you need to study WinAPI (WinSocks API), SDL2, or SFML. C# is more simple than C++ and it is more perspective because you can start to learn Unity that it is very simple engine for beginners.

I am trying to learn opengl I  have worked with c#  before but I really  like c++.

I am going to use a list to store my values.

31 minutes ago, phil67rpg said:

I am going to use a list to store my values.

What values?

the values of my game board

2 hours ago, phil67rpg said:

I am going to use a list to store my values.


1 hour ago, 8Observer8 said:

What values? 

We got an unintentional burn victim over here.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


1 hour ago, phil67rpg said:

the values of my game board

Do you have a question how to do it? If I understand correctly you want to save your game state and load it in the next time. My opinion that one of the best and simplest way is using SQLite. You can search step-by-step guide how to do it using C++. It is useful to study basics of SQL.

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