
LiveOps data analytics

Started by December 22, 2021 01:44 PM
1 comment, last by frob 2 years, 8 months ago

Hi community,

I'm doing some research about Data analytics in gaming and especially in LiveOps gaming. Would you recommend any companies such as ByteBrew, Indicative, IndieBI or Affine which are worth to have a detailed look at?

From my experience, the first thing to look at are their costs, followed by the data they provide, then the implementation difficulty. All three of them need to match your actual needs. If you don't know your needs, your financial need, your functional need, and your code integration needs, then start with those rather than starting with the companies providing services.

There are probably thousands of analytics packages out there, from free to expensive. Just because an analytics system is “Really Good” doesn't mean it's a good fit for your actual needs.

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