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Latest ArtificialIntelligence Activity

What about computing for a number of NPCs when they could finish the new task given the work they already have?

You could use heuristics like distance, or amount of work they already have, or expertise or … to reduce computation time,

March 27, 2022 02:20 PM
DevBlog 20 - Stencil Highlight Targeting, Player AI, and Objective AI

Making the game fun with AI and a useful HUD.

The HUD now has helpful elements like health, energy, and game stats.

But I found the debug lines to the ships that were attacking me, actually made the game more enjoyable.  

So I polished that up and made a real HUD system that has the debug lines. …


Rimworld uses a clever algorithm that adds an updatable heat map of undesirability to the movement cost required to enter locations. There's also the boids mechanic for collision avoidance and flocking of multiple moving objects. And They Are Billions manages to put hundreds of mobs on screen witho…


@zviperz , please don't necro. Thread locked.

December 19, 2021 06:22 PM
DevBlog 9 - Creating AI Behavior Trees in C++

I created a behavior tree system that is defined completely within c++.  

AI entities have a brain which spins up a behavior tree.

The nodes in the behavior tree are heap allocated, which I believe does have some noticeable performance cost.

The reason for this was to easily use virtual methods a…

LifeAI artificial intelligence system

LifeAI is an artificial intelligence system that simulates key processes of our minds, such as organizing data into concepts and categories, planning actions based on their predicted outcome, and communication. LifeAI was designed to be simple, but powerful and flexible enough to have many applicat…


Yeah, I can give you some pointers on A* pathfinding.

But in the video you linked, the battlefield is completely open, no fixed obstacles at all. Is that true for the whole game? In that case A* might be overkill, and I would go more for the approach @TheBlackRattle is advocating. So basically make …


Thanks for the constructive comment! @IADaveMark I agree. I mean, that's implied by the name. Rather than learn how to solve the problem myself, the machine will learn how.


Blackth0rn said:

@Zouflain I've been dreaming this game up for 15 years but haven't been able to do much until now. The problem with everything is I'm very hard to focus unless I'm very passionate about something. This is the game I want to pour my heart into, I know I won't focus on the small stuff…


TheMightyPenguin said:

However, this semester I'm not particularly sure what to go for. A sibling module to the maths one focuses on Digital Signal & Image Processing, Fourier Transformations and Numerical Analysis. From what i can gather, the latter is essential for optimisation in Machine Lear…
