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Latest DX12 Activity

One thing to keep in mind is that Unity/Unreal are cross-platform, and those available APIs are generally not. Thus, you will try to use abstractions over the APIs as much as possible, so you can build your game on PC, Linux, Android, iOS, etc… without having to code the same feature 3-4 times in d…

May 17, 2024 02:52 PM
Matali Physics 6.5 Supports

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 6.5, the next significant step on the way to the seventh major version of the environment. Matali Physics 6.5 introduces a number of improvements and fixes to Matali Physics Core, Matali Render, Matali Content, Matali Synth and Matali Games m…



I'm currently working on an engine trying to implement animated mesh particles. Up until recently I only needed animated billboard particles and static mesh particles, which work fine. All our particles are simulated on the GPU using compute shaders.

To animated the mesh particles, we thought …


I have a small issue with my shaders. Sorry if it is not the right place for this question. In general, the essence is that for my application on dx12, I have shaders in glsl (I'm too lazy to rewrite them because there are many, and they are not only for dx12), and I compile them into hlsl using sp…

December 19, 2023 08:42 PM
Matali Physics 6.4 Presents an Innovative, Physics-Based Approach to Wayfinding

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 6.4, the significant step on the way to the seventh major version of the environment. Matali Physics 6.4 introduces a number of improvements and fixes to Matali Physics Core, Matali Render, Matali Content, Matali Sound and Matali Games module…


RE: The best way to render text in D3D12 of https://www.gamedev.net/forums/forum/5-graphics-and-gpu-programming/

Now you can display plain text by calling two C++ functions.

Refactored text rendering code from DirectXTK12. Everything unnecessary has been removed, only for Windows, headers only.…

Weird stair-step effect on back face edges with pixel blending and MSAA enabled

I have no clue what the issue is. I use MSAA in DX12 without problems, but I have to admit I haven't really analyzed the results that closely. If you haven't already done so, I would go on over to the DirectX 12 discord sever. It's very active and there are folks there who can likely better help yo…



I'm trying to combine my vertex buffer and index buffer into one buffer, then copy it to the VRAM.

After that I want to use barriers to synchronize Resource States.

Something like this:

vertices = {.…}
Indices = {….}

Resource* meshBuffer;
Resource* uploadBuffer;

July 18, 2023 02:40 PM
Matali Physics 6.2 Presents Parametric Action Fields For Fully Dynamic And Destructible Scenes

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 6.2, the first step on the way to the seventh major version of the environment. The latest version brings changes necessary to implement effective navigation and wayfinding algorithms as well as complex AI behaviors, including group behaviors…


I'm not sure, but I would probably use the jittered matrix to unproject the depth. I'm not sure if your approach of using scene depth is the right way to calculate velocity. The examples I've seen do the work in the vertex shader of the main pass (gbuffer/forward), where the vertices get multiplied…

February 27, 2023 04:08 PM
Matali Physics 6.0 Released. 3D Physics Environment As An Innovative Direct Game Creation Solution

We are proud to announce the release of Matali Physics 6.0, the sixth major version of Matali Physics environment. The latest version introduces groundbreaking changes both from the technical and functional side, moving Matali Physics environment to direct game creation solutions.

What is Matali Ph…
February 05, 2023 07:51 AM

pbivens67 said:
are you good at dx12?

No, i use Vulkan, which is very similar. But i cared only about compute shaders. My project became two times faster because we can now upload command lists and reuse them every frame. This solved my problem of having too many GPU → CPU → GPU interactions, which s…


Oh wow, that's wild! I'm glad you at least figured that out though.



in my own DX12 engine i am rendering completely bindless. 

So very big meshes with many materials are drawn with one draw call 
- using Vertex-, IndexBuffer ( fix )
- a additional material structered buffer (updated if needed)
- by indexing in a big texture array. (fix)

A flag in the materi…


You do not need to multiple depth by 2 and subtract one for D3D, just leave it as-is before multiplying with the inverse of your ViewProj matrix.. With D3D (and Vulkan) depth is in the [0, 1] range, not the [-1, 1] range used for OpenGL. The rest of what you have looks fine.


@MJP awesome!…  thanks!

I don't need to keep t he contents of the previous texture, so def aliasing two textures does sound like what I'm looking for, will take a look.



What does your root signature look like? You have “packoffset(c4)” following your shadow index which means “this variable will be located 16 bytes from the start of the constant buffer”, which is almost certainly not what you want.


It turned out that the problem was that dxil.dll was not found. Fixed it.

February 22, 2021 11:11 PM
Matali Physics 5.7 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 5.7, another significant step on the way to the sixth major version of the environment. Matali Physics 5.7 introduces:

  •    Support for Universal Windows Platform on Xbox Series X/S
  •    Support for Android 11 and Android TV 11
  • &…

I've wrote a ray tracing shadow shader before. (abbreviated as ShaderA)

And recently I wrote another ray tracing shader. (abbreviated as ShaderB)

I create ID3D12StateObject for both.

But hit group shader identifier is unique between each ID3D12StateObject.

My hit group data struct is like this:

| shader…

Unexpected output result in compute shader with InterlockedAdd()

After a further testing of my code.

I realize the bug is somewhere else lol.

The tile culling is fine.

The problem is how I use the result later, my algorithm doesn't work well if the light index is not consistent through tiles.

For example, Tile 0 & Tile 1 both are covered by Light0~Light5. Where …

Worsening sampling quality of raytracing with increasing distance from world origin

@LandonJerre WorldRayDirection() is giving same effects as using boolean payload. Problem was that perspective matrix had very short Z_NEAR and Z_FAR values (0.01f and 200.0f). By changing it to much higher range (10.0f, 20000.0f), problem with jaggies and artifacts disappears. Thank you for help.


What kind of primitives are you actually drawing when you use that vertex shader that decrements the counter? Depending on what you're drawing and how you're indexing it's possible that the VS is executing more times than expect, which would cause the counter to underflow.

Either way, this would pro…


For reference here is my sphere to frustum test

bool SphereInsidePlane(Sphere sphere, Plane plane)
    return dot(plane.normal, sphere.c) - plane.distance < -sphere.r;

// Check to see of a light is partially contained within the frustum.
bool SphereInsideFrustum(Sphere sphere, Frustum frustu…
Raytracing in DX12/DXR - ray generated in single direction

For anybody who find similar problem - remember to transpose your projectionToWorld matrix. I thought that I've tried all configuration, but it turned out, that I was only trying transposing matrix, which was a result of multiplying of transposed view and projection matrix.

To do that correctly, you…

May 19, 2020 09:40 PM
DirectX Coming to Windows Subsystem for Linux

At Microsoft Build, the DirectX team announced that GPU hardware acceleration is coming to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2).

WSL is the environment for users to run Linux applications on their Windows PC. You can test your Linux workloads locally using the same native Linux tools, and in respo…

December 03, 2019 06:56 AM
PIX 1911.27 Released - New Buffer Formatter and Capture From Launch

Today Microsoft released PIX 1911.27 with an updated buffer formatter, the ability to start capturing of a process from initial launch, support for Windows 10 Insider Preview Builds (20H1) and many bug fixes. The new release can be downloaded here.

New Buffer Formatter

PIX can now capture any applica…

November 18, 2019 01:33 AM
Matali Physics 5.0, The Fifth Major Version of Matali Physics Engine Released

We are proud to announce the release of Matali Physics 5.0, the fifth major version of Matali Physics engine. The latest release moves Matali Physics engine to the group of solutions supporting the three main next-generation graphics APIs: DirectX 12, Vulkan and Metal on deskop and mobile platfo…

May 02, 2019 06:57 PM
Matali Physics 4.7 Supports Universal Windows Platform on Xbox One

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 4.7. The latest version introduces:

  • Comprehensive support for Universal Windows Platform on Xbox One including: DirectX 12 games, DirectX 11 games, DirectX 11 apps, Xbox One gamepad, rendering at 4K.The latest version allows Matali Ph…
A Practical Approach to Managing Resource States in Vulkan and Direct3D12

Explicit resource state management and synchronization is one of the main advantages and main challenges that modern graphics APIs such as Direct3D12 and Vulkan offer application developers. It makes rendering command recording very efficient, but getting state management right i…

October 10, 2018 06:35 PM
Matali Physics 4.3 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Matali Physics 4.3. The latest version introduces significant changes in support for DirectX 12 and Vulkan. Introduced changes equate the use of DirectX 12 and Vulkan with DirectX 11 and OpenGL respectively, significantly reducing the costs associated wi…

Vilem Otte
November 27, 2017 03:41 AM
Voxel Cone Tracing - Global Illumination

Having a pause from handling files and editor is good, to at least update something in rendering and keep motivation high. So I went ahead and implemented voxel cone tracing global illumination (and reflections of course).

Anyways, image time:

Read more

Vilem Otte
November 22, 2017 03:43 AM
Dynamic resource reloading

Making editors is a pain. I have a list of thousands of items I'd rather do than this - yet I made myself a promise to drag at least one full featured editor tool over the finish line. There are few reasons for that:

  • I believe I have quite useful engine, it was my pet project all these yea…
    Vilem Otte
    October 29, 2017 02:24 AM
    Game Engine Editor


    So, I'm slowly progressing with my hobby project. This is the first time I write something about the project directly tied to it, or more likely essential part of it. I'll share few details here about the editor development.

    Making useful game/engine editor that is easy to control…