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TheAICodeGuy said:
I keep going back and forth how emotion can really be used in AI programming personally.

There is a whole field of social robots with their primary function to intelligently interact with humans, that may be of interest tp you.


What you should do is write down all the behaviours you want your troops to have, you may need to write a different list for different units. You can put all these behaviours in a Finite State Machine(FSM) meaning you can only execute one action at a time. Then you need to decide how you want you…

  • You could use a flow field for the movement which could provide smooth movement, I created a unity asset that directs unity movement with flow fields, however that might be a bit overkill, might be good if the goal keeps changing or you want to move a lot of shoppers to the same goal. I think th…
    Yet another question about correct PBR fresnel usage
    3 hours ago, ramirofages said:

    From theory I thought that the fresnel computes the amount of light that should reflect off a surface depending on the viewing angle and the surface normal

    You are (almost) correct, just only one thing you may not catch up with so well, tha…

    10 hours ago, Hodgman said:

    Another solution is to blend from the smooth normal to the per-triangle flat normal at grazing angles. 

    Wow, that works a lot better than I expected.  Never would have thought of that, thanks!


    Read more


    Okay, been a while and I still can't get this right. Any takers on giving a short tutorial on this? I really need help with this please.


    Maybe I am slightly late, but if you do read this, I recommend taking a look at the minimax algorithm.


    Minimax is basically this, you make a decision tree that counts the number of turns and possible plays, he evaluates the best play to win on turn 1…


    You can view my simple mesh C++ class. The class relies on input meshes that are closed (no holes or cracks). A sample STL file is given.


    I use the mesh class to get the data about the shared edges, to determine triangle neighbours. 

    On 7/25/2019 at 6:47 AM, Frantic PonE said:

    Yeah, the way it uses raytracing is a bit silly and arbitrary, like they had to fit it in somehow because the research is sponsored by Nvidia.

    But thinking about it, flat surfel list/G-buffer list could just be done by "dilati…


    alvaro, thanks! that's exactly what I needed ~ I've started working on my research now and also found out about the Komodo MCTS chess engine

    again thanks a ton

    20 hours ago, Dawoodoz said:

    There are many odd systems out there that cannot access the GPU properly, so that's the reason for my distinction.

    * Google tried to block OpenCL on Android in order to promote their own RenderScript, which is not nearly as good.


    light probe (for global illumination) placement techniques?
    1 hour ago, MJP said:

    Back in 2015 Remedy gave a talk where they explained how they chose where to place specular probes. It's a little different for specular vs. diffuse, but the basics concepts are similar in terms of choosing ideal probe locations. 

    This one's kind of…

    Screen Space Planar Reflections
    On 6/8/2019 at 10:13 AM, Kripto289 said:

    Why does the example use reflection along the Z axis? After all, the example is reflected on the horizontal surface Y?

    Some games use Y is up, some games use Z is up.

    On 6/8/2019 at 10:13 AM, Kripto289 said:

    Realtime raytracing on a 2014 GPU

    It also seems like using some kind of temporal averaging is the key to trying to get more effective sampling out of limited hardware resources.

    In addition to the SVGF that was already mentioned, Nvidia did something similar in their 2-layer Deep G-Buffers.


    Hey Incredicat,

    I played and recorded your game.  I recorded my thoughts in the video.


    October 02, 2018 03:32 PM
    Zone generation

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    I have integrated the zone separation with my implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm. Now I have been working on zone generation.

    A level is separated in the following way :

    October 02, 2018 03:31 PM
    Zone division

    Subscribe to our subreddit to get all the updates from the team!

    A friend and I are making a rogue-lite retro procedural game. As in many procedural rogue-lite games, it will have rooms to complete but also the notion of zones. The difference between a zone and a room is that a zone is open air whil…
