
What's happening with the site?

Started by October 03, 2005 11:03 PM
34 comments, last by firesoft 18 years, 7 months ago
Does anyone know what's happening with the NeHe site? I keep coming back here every now and again but the news is still the same, the tutorials are still the same, basically everything is the same. The only thing that's still going strong is the forum. What has got planned for the site? Shutting it down and integrating with so that only the forum is available or are they going to keep the legacy of NeHe going and update the news and tutorials? Just curious.
I'm currently considering running another contest on the forum for later submission to the site. As before, I will be providing the prize. Are there any who are interested?
Depending on what the contest is and whether I have time I'd be really interested in participating this time. What sort of contest are you thinking of running?
Darren Clark
I would like my contests to be nontraditional in the sense that there are new technical difficulties imposed on the competitors as apposed to merely artistic ones. This way, both experienced and nonexperienced programmers are on the same footing. The winamp visualization contest is an example of this style of contest.

That said, I was thinking of fixing the remaining bugs in the winamp basecode and having an open themed visualization contest. We may be able to get funding from nullsoft for additional prizes.

Another option we have is a firefox extension contest. If I remember correctly, tgraupman was able to integrate opengl into firefox. With his permission, I would create a basecode from his source and release it to those who want to participate. There are many interesting technical possibilities with this style of contest. We may able to get funding from mozilla for additional prizes.

Any comments gamedev admins?

- llvllatrix
I like the idea of a firefox extention contest, it's something new and inovating.
Allthough i didn't have the time to do the winamp visualization contest and i don't know i im able to do it this time as well, i will certanly try to make a entry if that became a contest.

But then again, any contest will do.
Timing is another issue we have to resolve. When I worked on the winamp contest, I generated two documents that may again be useful:


We also have to resolve the issue of web space. I have no space online to store the entries once they are submitted.

- llvllatrix
By the way, I'll be glad to really get up to date with site status.

Previously "Krohm"

Do the moderators look at this site any more?

I would have thought they'd let everyone know what is going on or whats planned for the site as soon as they saw something like this topic. Their lack of response is some what ominous.

If they wish to keep the site alive then they need to do something. Matrix is trying with his forum based contests but in the long run the site will just die.

Come on GameDev, give us an update. Reassure us that NeHe's legacy will not disappear.
NeHe will be updated. When is soon. How it will be done in the future is yet to be determined.

In all honesty, NeHe was being updated no more than it has been since acquired it. We do have plans, but as is usual with these things, i takes a little time to figure out how to best incorporate the new content.

Admin for

Thats fine but then wouldn't it be just as easy to place something on the home page to state that it will be updated soon? That there are plans afoot to bring more content and tutorials, a new style, etc to the site?

People then coming to the site will see the home page first and know that something is to be done to the site. Now people coming to the site see the same thing they did last time.

It doesn't take too long to outline future plans or a brief description of whats in store. I think GameDev could a least do that for the people who come here frequently and have done so for many years.

I think GameDev owes us, the community, that much.

[Edited by - firesoft on October 16, 2005 7:51:37 AM]

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