
What's happening with the site?

Started by October 03, 2005 11:03 PM
34 comments, last by firesoft 18 years, 7 months ago
So they decided this is the new look?
This is really bad. I must look at the CSS changer proposed.

Previously "Krohm"

You can force white on black text using firefox.
Just in case you guys havn't been out of the Nehe forum to see the talk of it, there will be a black theme freely available to you. If you've got CSS skills you can even submit your own stylesheets as a suggestion over in the Web Dev forum at the moment.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Quote: Original post by Kazgoroth
Just in case you guys havn't been out of the Nehe forum to see the talk of it, there will be a black theme freely available to you. If you've got CSS skills you can even submit your own stylesheets as a suggestion over in the Web Dev forum at the moment.

I must say I usually read only this forum. I have some basic CSS skills so if no one other does it, maybe I'll try to tackle the problem myself.

Previously "Krohm"

Oh, there are a fair few people working on a number of themes including more than one black one, so not to worry that noone else will bother.

By the way, this isn't a proper way of applying the themes (it's just for testing), and they aren't finished yet, but you can get a peak at a few of the ones people are being worked on using these links:
classic black
classic black 2
1980s video game

turn themes off

[Edited by - Kazgoroth on December 5, 2005 11:12:25 PM]

- Jason Astle-Adams

For those who don't really venture out of this particular forum - you can now switch to a dark theme properly. See here.

- Jason Astle-Adams

As we've bypassed Christmas and nothing really has changed on the site could we perhaps have an update on the site before New Year?

It would be nice to know going into the New Year that the site will be updated and new content added.

Please GameDev?!

All the best,

PS. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
I know how annoying this is too.

I used to come to the site often but the news has really dried up and there aren't any more new tutorials being posted so I only come here maybe once a week now to see if anything is happening. Usually I just check the forum as thats the only part of the site that has any life left... but that seems to be fading too.

When I saw that the Gamedev site was being updated I thought it wouldn't be too long before NeHe would be updated too but they seem to have forgotten about it altogether.

Seems a waste to pay out for a premium site with a great following only to let it go.

I hope they do something soon. Like I said in previous posts, if they just said on the news page "We're working on a new NeHe site and it should be available by January" or something like that then people would know it's not forgotten.

As it stands it's next to dead!
It really would be nice to get some more updates for NeHe...
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