
What's happening with the site?

Started by October 03, 2005 11:03 PM
34 comments, last by firesoft 18 years, 7 months ago
It hasn't been forgotten about, but personally I'm not really in a position to tell you much more than that at the moment. I know that the search for an appropriate moderator for the forum and maintainer for the site is underway, but I'll bring this up and see if I can get someone more in the know to give you some indication of what's happening.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Thanks Kazgoroth. That's all I ask.

I think the reason this bothers me so much is that I'm an Amiga fan from way back. Same thing happened, except the company folded! :(

I don't really want that to happen with this site. There's too much to lose!
Quote: Original post by firesoft
Thanks Kazgoroth. That's all I ask.

I think the reason this bothers me so much is that I'm an Amiga fan from way back. Same thing happened, except the company folded! :(

I don't really want that to happen with this site. There's too much to lose!

Don't worry, you're in good hands. Plus, I like to think we're more competent than Commodore. [grin]
Thats good to know Ravuya.

Commodore was a good example of how big companies can do bad business. I'm sure no-one wants to follow their business plans!
Same thing I thought, used to frequent this site often till it got bought by Gamedev. Didn't seem all that bad of a thing to happen, but now it looks like Jeff almost seems constrained by this purchase and is more afraid than anything else about what he posts, eg. trying to be too professional. Updates are coming but when he get his personal life more involved here on the site it seems like he tends to get more into the going ons here with the community. . .

been visiting this site since 2002 learned openGL on it, and this site is losing momentum. Jeff is losing momentum!
Thats the problem. Jeff doesn't do it any more. I doubt he's even been back at all.

Gamedev (I think ) were relying on him to help during the transition but I think Jeff had had enough and quit completely.

I'm hoping that someone from Gamedev will inform us whats going on.

It's true that NeHe has lost momentum and there are now other sites that have as much, if not more, than what this site has.

It's a pity really. This used to be "the" site for OpenGL information, next to

[Edited by - firesoft on March 3, 2006 6:53:19 PM]

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